Quinoa is a highly valuable nutrient-rich food that is gluten-free and a rich source of protein. Its benefits include weight loss, improved heart health, detoxification of the body, and improved digestive health. It also helps in regulating diabetes and reducing gallstones.
It can be used like many common grains or ground into a powder or flour. It has a very low content of fat and can be added to diets around the world as a healthy alternative to many other similar foods. White Quinoa: This variety, commonly known as ivory quinoa, The best part about this is that it takes the least time to cook.
Health Benefits of Quinoa
Quinoa is a nutritive food that is good for health. It provides various health benefits, some of which include:
1.Good Source of Proteins
2.Weight Loss
3. Gluten-free
4.Improves Heart Health
5.Antioxidant Activity
6.Improves Digestive Process
7. Improves Bone Health
8.Reduces Risk of Gallstones
9. Good Source of Magnesium
Brand Parampara Organic
Form Seed
Specialty No Artificial Flavor, Preservative Free, GMO Free, Organic Country of Origin India
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