Wheat Grass means the green leaf of ‘baby’ red berry wheat plant. In tropical climate Wheatgrass grows to a height of around 6 inches in just 7 days. Cutting the green leaf Wheat Grass at this ‘jointing stage’ (before the stem begins to form) and drinking its green chlorophyll rich Wheat Grass juice is know to have many therapeutic benefits. Now Wheatgrass Powder is proven as the most convenient, economical and efficient way of getting the health benefits of Wheatgrass.
Wheat grass is hailed as ‘The Panacea on Earth’ by many famous Naturopaths and Dietitians around the world, due to the natural concentration of numerous beneficial nutrients present in it. In the last few decades, many Naturopaths from various countries have studied in depth the possibility of Wheatgrass for its therapeutic applications and conducted experiments to gauge its efficacy.